It appears Google is having issues indexing new and fresh content again. When I try to find new articles from sites that Google generally indexes in real time, such as the Wall Street Journal, New York Times and this site, Google is not showing these stories or URLs in the index.
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New content not showing in Google. You can try some example searches yourself, for example, do a site command search for new articles from the Wall Street Journal by searching for [] and filtering results for the past hour. All I see are a select number of random category pages, some pages in a different language, but zero recent stories. Here is a screen shot:

An article published on Search Engine Land 20 minutes ago, is still not in the Google index. Here is a screenshot from 3:45pm ET, within an hour of the article being published. Google still not showing any new articles from this site in search, when filtered to show only content within an hour. Google Search Console also says the page is not indexed. It is rare for articles on Search Engine Land not to be indexed within minutes of publishing. Read More At Original Source Of Blog Content.
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