Schema markup. What is it? Where did it come from? And do you need it?
To address that last question first, let’s put it this way:
Do you run an ecommerce website? You need it.
Does your content focus strictly on delivering content? Yup, you still need it.
Have a cooking website that uses a lot of videos? Oh, you better believe you need it.
You may have detected the pattern I’m going for here, so let’s explore those other questions and take a closer look at the finer details related to marking up your website with a little extra code.
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What is Schema Markup?
The definition of “schema” is simply a “diagrammatic presentation.” Okay, maybe “diagrammatic” isn’t the simplest way to put that. Let’s just call it a structured framework, plan, or outline.
“Schema markup,” on the other hand, is code that you use on your website that allows the search engines to return more informative and detailed results to their users. This is possible because you’ve given the them a way to understand the framework, plan, or outline of your website.
One of the most common uses for this markup language is to generate rich snippets in your search results. They look a lot like this:

Or this:

Notice the additional bits of information on display here. The first result includes a rating from nearly 1,400 reviews. This is pretty helpful information, but then consider all the information on the second one. There, you’ll find: Read More At Original Source of Blog Content.
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